OAF in Oracle E-Biz vs ADF in Fusion Apps:
OAF is the only JDeveloper tool oracle has supported for all Oracle Apps releases till R12. ADF is the JDeveloper tool oracle has supported for the Fusion apps releases.
This means, for doing any change to the standard application screens/functionalities in Oracle Apps 11i or R12, we need OAF. We call them custiomizations and personalizations. Anything with Fusion Apps, we use ADF.
OAF with Oracle Apps Server vs ADF with Web Logic Server:
OAF can be deployed to Oracle Application Server, ADF can be deployed to Web Logic Server.
In Fusion apps, the web logic comes by default.
If we need to deploy an ADF application in Oracle Apps releases till R12, We need to address the additional cost associated with web logic licensing.
OAF with single Apps/Database Server vs ADF with Multi Server compatibility:
When we are with Oracle apps upto R12 and need to customize standard applications, we need OAF. To create custom application without web logic server, we should go with OAF.
When we are with Fusion apps, mobile UI for Apps or working with one or more Oracle application server and/or database server, we must go with ADF.
ADF Future-centric:
Advantage of ADF in Oracle Apps is the developed applications can be migrated to Fusion Apps as they are Fusion apps compatible. Any Application developed in R12 release using ADF and Web Logic can be migrated to Fusion Apps.
OAF seamless integration with Oracle Apps:
Advantage of OAF is we enjoy seamless integration of Oracle Apps with OAF. Usage of Oracle Apps features like Menus, Function Security, Flexfields, Messages, Profiles,etc. gives a big advantage which doesn’t come with ADF.
Developer viewpoints:
As a developer, the following things can be noticed.
Though both are based on mvc framework, ADF encourages modular approach and reuse using taskflows. Also, ADF provides more rich and interactive interfaces using ADF Faces.
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